We are looking for

students with ideas for protecting our environment who will share what they learn with others.

You need to have an adult sponsor (e.g., teacher, troop or 4-H leader, clergy person) and a good dose of initiative! We want to support you financially in finding solutions to environmental issues important to your community — and in sharing what you learn with others to help raise awareness of how we can all play a part. Priority will be given to projects that address environmental justice principles.

Beautiful moth

Where do you see

an environmental problem that you and your classmates can help solve? And, what are the greater implications of that problem?

For example:

  • A project to pick up litter is great, but our grantees will also address: Where is it all coming from? Where is it going? To a landfill or incinerator? And in whose backyard? How can we reduce it?

  • Organizing a plastics-free cafeteria day (as inspired by the documentary Microplastics Madness) is the kind of project we’re looking for, especially if it includes efforts to increase public awareness of the dangers of plastics pollution

  • Native species plantings, yes! AND, helping your neighbors understand the difference between them and invasive species, and the impacts of each on the local ecosystem.

  • Let’s get more people thinking "Reduce & Reuse” before Recycle. See what two Girl Scouts in our area did for their Take Action Project: Sustainable Fashion Newsletter (google.com). They started with a small idea that soon led them to create something bigger and better. Although we did not fund this project, we are inspired by their efforts and want to help other students take action!

  • Legislative solutions: which ones are effective, or not? What kind of policies would you propose for your school, or community, or beyond?